Sunday, 20 January 2008

Who stays in shape easier: men or women?

Who stays in shape better easier: men or women?

It’s a well known fact that there are many differences between the male and female organism. A very important one is the presence of testosterone in the male body. It helps build big and strong muscles tissues. The female body lacks testosterone and that is the reason why female body is not as muscular as male’s. The more muscle mass a person has the faster he burns calories. Which means that it is easier for men to lose weight.

Who gains weight easier?

A recent study has proved that it is easier for women to gain weight. It turns out that women have to work out twice as much as men in order to burn the same amount of calories. This means that it really is much harder for women to maintain perfect body figure.

The more you try, the worse it gets

Scientists have realized that the more diets a person tries the harder it gets to lose weight. Human organism does not like diets and that is why it will try to save all the energy from food instead of burning it. That way if you go on diet it will be prepared.

How to avoid this

If you learn to cook healthier and work out at least 4 hours a week you will feel much better without stressing your organism. You will lose approximately 3 pounds per month but your cholesterol will be lowered, blood pressure and heart rate will be improved. Furthermore, your organism won’t try to save energy for your next diet.

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